
Central really loves Holland—it's a deep, genuine kind of love. We feel a strong call to help the vulnerable in our city, especially the kids and families who need it most. Our work here is our way of bringing the gospel to life in our own neighborhood. Each of us is taking the mission and teachings God has given us and are putting them into action together. Join us as we bring hope to Holland.

Central supports missionaries domestically and all over the world. Some of these missionaries serve in places that make it unsafe for us to publish their work. If you would like more information on any of our missionaries please email missions@centralholland.org

Waters Edge is a family of kingdom-minded missionally motivated churches. This movement was founded and launched at Central Church in Holland and is committed to amplifying the hope + life of Jesus but equipping leaders in local churches around the world.

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Jeff and
Diane Gilbert

“Jeff and Diane moved into missions after long careers in their respective fields. Jeff has been a bi-vocational pastor, serving in children’s ministries and coaching for many years, including 20 years in camp ministry. Diane has been a nurse in various areas for almost 30 years. They raised eight children, and now are called to serve the world. Their life experiences have developed a deep appreciation of the Hispanic culture, and their love of Jesus has led them to Nicaragua, a country with deep physical and spiritual needs. They are working to serve the underdeveloped areas by leading medical teams, and also working with local churches to grow vibrant local ministries to children and families across the country.”

Short Term Trips

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

“Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love.”

John 15:12-13 Message

“We are blessed in West Michigan with a non-profit network that meets real, tangible needs all around us. We don't need to invent new ministries all the time, instead we can express our love for the community by partnering with the organizations already doing great work.”

- Pastor Mike McKay

“For children, elementary years are critical for their development, as they form values, establish self-esteem, and acquire academic skills. Often this includes having support, encouragement, and one-on-one attention. Through a Kids Hope USA mentoring program, students develop transformative relationships with an additional caring and consistent adult, empowering them to thrive.”

- Kids Hope USA

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